Initiating the EDI Test Process

Follow these steps

The steps needed prior to an EGS being able to conduct EDI testing with PPL Electric Utilities (PPL EU) are:

1. The EGS needs to be licensed as an Electricity Generation Supplier in PA by applying for a license with the PA PUC.  Information may be obtained by visiting the PUC website.

2.  In order to supply electricity for retail use within the PJM Control area, suppliers must become a PJM member and also become signatory to the PJM Operating Agreement.  The application form for membership and the operating agreement may be accessed on PJM's website or by calling PJM's Member Relations number (610) 666-8980.

3.  Once the EGS has a PA PUC license and is a member of PJM, the EGS must sign PPL EU’s "Individual Coordination Agreement" rider of the Electric Generation Supplier Coordination Tariff.

This Agreement can be accessed from our website, here.

EGSs must return three signed originals of the Agreement to:

PPL Electric Utilities, Inc.
Revenue Operations, Billing
827 Hausman Road
Allentown, PA 18104

If another entity is appointed by the EGS to act as their scheduling coordinator, the EGS must also include one signed Scheduling Coordinator Designation Form, which can be found, here.

4.  EGS must complete a Credit Application form and return it to PPL EU.

Upon approval, the EGS will be requested to complete the Credit Application Supplement form.

5.  To obtain authorization to PPL EU’s Licensed Supplier website, EGSs must be licensed by the PUC in PA.  Call PPL EU’s Supplier Hotline at 610-774-6396 to obtain a User ID and password.

6.  Once these requirements have been met, contact PPL EU through e-mail at to discuss EDI test dates and expectations.

PPL EU requires a 30-day notice prior to the start of testing.  Additionally, when this notification is provided, the EGS must also furnish ALL trading partner information as requested in the EDI Trading Partner Specifications Form.  Forward your completed form to PPL EU’s Supplier e-mail address:

Prior to EGS being placed in production with PPL EU:

Once EDI testing is completed and the EGS is Level 2 EDI certified, the PPL EU Alternative Supplier Coordination (ASC) Group is responsible for entering a contract for each alternate Supplier using its distribution system for retail sales into PJM Interconnection's "eSchedules."

The “eSchedules” is PJM's supply/reconciliation electronic tracking system accessed with a password on the Internet.  Registration for use of eSchedules is available on the Internet at EGSs will submit their energy schedules to PPL EU via the PPL EU Licensed Supplier website.