October 2020 Residential Connect

Energy efficiency saves you money. What do you save for?

October is Energy Awareness Month. Did you know that managing your energy use can save you real dollars every day? Just imagine what you could be saving for through energy efficiency.

A new bike...a nice meal...or even braces for the youngster.

boy with braces smiling

Here are a few things you can do this fall to start saving for those things that mean the most to you, be they big or small.

Spin your ceiling fans in reverse.

Sometimes we forget that ceiling fans are just as important for keeping you warm as they are for keeping you cool. When the weather turns cooler, simply flip the switch so the blades spin clockwise. This will push warm air downward.

Make the most of the sun’s light and heat.

Leave your curtains and blinds open on sunny days to naturally illuminate your rooms and generate solar warmth. In the evenings, close your curtains and blinds to prevent that free heat from escaping.

Replace or clean your HVAC filter.

Check your air filter every month to make sure your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system isn’t working harder than it needs to be. A clean filter will save your system from using unnecessary energy.

Lower the thermostat on your water heater.

Nearly 20% of your home’s energy use comes from heating water. Save energy — and prevent scalding — by lowering the water heater temperature to the warm setting (120 degrees).* If you’re planning to be away for a few days, remember to turn it down to vacation mode.

Keep your fireplace in check.

When you’re not using your fireplace, make sure the damper is closed so that warm air doesn’t leave through the chimney. Energy-efficient fireplace grates can also help you save. They pull cool air out of your room and into the fireplace, while bringing warm air back in.

For more tips and tricks to help you save energy, visit savewithppl.com.

*Source: energy.gov

Ask Meg

I’m spending a lot more time at home these days. I’d like to save a few bucks on my energy bill. Do you have any ideas?

Absolutely. PPL has an online store where you can purchase energy-efficient products. It’s a quick, convenient and secure way to shop for discounted ENERGY STAR™ certified LEDs, dehumidifiers, smart thermostats and other energy-efficient products. Shop at pplelectric.com/marketplace.

woman smiling

Bills piling up? Take action now.

If you’ve been struggling to pay your electric bill, we have programs that can help.

We can set you up with a payment arrangement or enroll you in one of our payment assistance programs. The important thing is that you reach out now, before your balance becomes unmanageable.

Call us today at 1-800-342-5775 or visit the new-look pplelectric.com for options.

These are tough times, but we’re here for you.

Electrical safety tips for when the waters rise

road closed, high water running across

According to the Department of Homeland Security, floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Water and electricity can be a dangerous combination. Here are a few tips to keep yourself and your family safe when flood waters rise.

  • Never use electric appliances or touch electric wires, switches or fuses when you’re wet or standing in water.
  • Stay clear of electrical equipment in rooms with flooding.
  • If you have to stand in water to turn off power at the breaker box, don’t do it! Call us at 1-800-342-5775 and we’ll shut off power at the meter.
  • Keep electric tools and equipment at least 10 feet away from wet surfaces.
  • Don’t use electric yard tools if it’s raining or the ground is wet.

Learn more at ready.gov/floods.

Take these steps today and start saving tomorrow

Winter is coming, and this is the perfect time to prep your home for energy efficiency savings when the temperature tumbles.

replacing old light bulb with new bulb

Electrical safety tips for when the waters rise

Complete an energy assessment

Every home uses energy differently, so the energy-efficient improvements that help your neighbors save might not be right for you. Take our free Online Energy Assessment for energy-saving recommendations that are specific to your home. Just answer a few simple questions, and we’ll send you a detailed report of energy saving actions as well as a free Energy Efficiency Kit. Visit pplelectricsavings.com to get started.

Install LED light bulbs

Switching out old light bulbs for ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs is one of the easiest ways you can start saving energy at home. Compared to incandescent lighting, LEDs use up to 75% less energy and last up to 15 times longer.

Find and seal leaks

Want to reduce your heating bill by up to 20%? Prevent heat from escaping your home. Be sure to check for air leaks or gaps around walls, ceilings, windows, doors, light switches and outlets. You can shore up your home’s air defenses with a caulking gun, door sweeps, and weather stripping.

Take advantage of your thermostat

Turning back your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours a day can save you 10% on your heating and cooling bills. You can also install a smart thermostat to prevent unnecessary energy use. A smart thermostat learns to automatically adjust your home’s temperature around your comfort preference and schedule, and you can control it right from your smartphone. Check out pplelectricsavings.com for rebates.