March 2021 Residential Connect

We're always here to help

This pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on us all. We want you to know that if you’re struggling to pay your electric bill for any reason, we’re here to help.

We can work with you to set up a payment arrangement or enroll you in an assistance program. In many cases, you might be eligible for debt forgiveness, lower monthly payments or even free money to help you pay your bill.

Regardless of your income or your balance, we will work with you. Just visit or call us today at 1-800-342-5775 to get started.
If you are not struggling to pay your bill and would like to help a neighbor in need, consider supporting our Operation HELP fuel fund at

a young woman hugs an older woman while looking at a laptop

Keep your kitchen energy efficient with these steps

We all have a little cabin fever – especially this year – but chances are we’re still spending a bit more time at home than usual. One benefit of spending more time at home is that you have more time to prepare home-cooked meals.

Here are a few tips, courtesy of ENERGY STAR®, to help you save energy and money when you’re spending time in your kitchen.

Let there be light: Make sure all your light fixtures have efficient compact LEDs, which use less energy and last much longer than traditional bulbs. And here’s an easy one: When you leave the kitchen, turn off the lights.

Clear the vents: Make sure all your air registers or floor vents are clear of furniture so the air can circulate freely. If your home has radiators, place heat-resistant reflectors between the radiators and walls.

Scrape to save: You can save water by scraping your dishes clean instead of rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher. And, only run the dishwasher when it’s full.

Flip the fridge: Older refrigerators can use 20% more energy than ENERGY STAR® certified models. So, if your fridge is a relic, consider an upgrade. Also, if you have an old refrigerator running in the garage or basement, think about making a change. (We can help you haul it away for recycling. Check out the other side of this insert for more details.)

Fix those faucets: Hot water leaking at a rate of one drop per second can waste up to $35 in electricity per year. Plus, leaks obviously waste water and, let’s be honest, can be really annoying. Fix those faucets and save! For more tips to help you save energy and money – or to learn more about our energy efficiency programs and rebates – visit today

Ask Meg

I have three kids, and I feel like I’m constantly doing laundry. Any thoughts on how I can save money and keep the kids clothes clean?

I get this question a lot. Running the washer and dryer can be costly, especially if you have a big family. One thing you can do is wash full loads with cold water when possible. Not having to heat the water can cut the load’s energy use in half. Another thing you can do once we enter spring is air dry your clothes. That will keep you from running the dryer altogether. I hope these tips were helpful. Check out for more ideas on saving energy.


Working from home?

Here are three tips to be more energy efficient

Because of the pandemic, more of us than ever are working or learning from home. If this is true for you, your household is probably using more electricity than normal.

Taking these simple steps to make your home more energy efficient can save you money, whether you’re working from home or back to business as usual.

kid playing in the kitchen

1. Screensaver = energy waster.Your computer and monitor are still fully powered when a screen saver turns on. Save energy by enabling sleep mode on these devices or shut them down when you’re not using them.

2. Use power strips. Household electronics tend to draw small amounts of power when they’re on standby mode. Power strips make it easy to power down your workstation with the flip of a switch. Smart power strips sense and cut power when electronics go into standby mode. It’s a small investment that could save you money in the long run.

3. Let the light in. Keep the blinds and curtains in your home open. Letting more sun in will help keep your home warm so your heating system doesn’t have to work quite as hard. Plus, natural light from your windows is great for showing your face on all those video calls

Free appliance recycling, now contactless!

Here's how it works

Have an old appliance wasting space and energy?

How much is your home office costing you? 
If you’re working from home more these days, you may be leaving your home office equipment on 24 hours a day. With electronics, power strips and lights, you could be leaking money right from under your keyboard. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you find ways to save energy and money so your home office can become efficient in no time.

An old refrigerator sits in the yard of a small home