October 2021 Residential Connect

It’s Energy Awareness Month. To mark the occasion, we’re celebrating you.

If you read Connect every month or follow us on social media, you know that we love to share tips and tools to help you save energy. Based on the numbers, you’ve been taking our advice to heart. Check out all you’ve accomplished:

You’re helping the planet

Since 2009, PPL Electric Utilities customers have saved 4,026,933,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. To put that into perspective, that’s the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent of removing more than 620,000 passenger vehicles from the road for an entire year.

person changing light bulb

Put another way, using 4 billion kWh less energy provides the same environmental benefit as growing more than 47 million tree seedlings for a decade. Wow!

You’re making serious changes

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average Pennsylvania family uses more than 10,000 kWh of energy each year — that’s equivalent to charging an iPhone 862,060 times or driving 17,800 miles in a passenger vehicle.2

Through simple, day-to-day acts like shutting off lights and unplugging idle appliances, you’re making a difference. By participating in our energy efficiency programs, you’ve: 

  • Recycled more than 143,000 appliances
  • Participated in more than 74,000 in-home energy audits and surveys
  • Installed more than 71,000 energy- efficient lighting and equipment projects at local businesses

You’re saving money

Saving energy has done wonders for your pocketbooks too. Altogether, the collective efforts you’ve taken to reduce electricity use saved PPL customers upwards of $403 million since 2009.3

When your home is more energy efficient, you’re in control of your costs, and you can live more comfortably. Now that’s something worth celebrating.

For more tips to help you save energy, visit savewithppl.com.

1 Source: epa.gov
2 Source: dep.pa.gov
3 Based on $0.10 kWh

Start saving in three quick steps

It’s easy to start saving energy and money today. Check out these three simple steps to begin your energy efficiency journey.

1) Install a “smart,” programmable thermostat that can automatically adjust your home’s temperature around 
your comfort preference and schedule. You can shop for the smart thermostat that’s right for you at poweredbyefi.org/ppl.

2) Are you still using old incandescent lightbulbs? Old bulbs might be cheaper on the front end, but you can save energy – and money – in the long run by switching to ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs. Compared to incandescent lighting, ENERGY STAR certified LEDs use up to 75 percent less energy and last 15 times longer. Plus, you can save up to $80 in electricity costs over each bulb's lifetime.* 

3) Seal those drafts around your doors and windows, but make sure you choose the right weatherstripping. You’ll want to use weatherstripping that seals well, while allowing the door or window to open freely. And check to make sure your weatherstripping can withstand friction, weather, temperature changes, and everyday wear-and-tear. 

For more energy saving tips, visit savewithppl.com or follow us on social media.

* Source: energy.gov


refrigerator recycling

Limited time only: Increased recycling rebates  

To celebrate energy awareness month, we’re increasing our appliance recycling rebates. Recycle your old energy-wasting refrigerator or freezer in October and get $50 back.

Why recycle your old fridge? Because it can save you money. On average, an old refrigerator can use 33 percent more energy than a new, ENERGY STAR® certified model. 

Here’s how the process works.

1) Visit pplelectric.com/recycle and schedule your appointment by October 31, 2021.

2) We’ll come to your home, pick up your old refrigerator or freezer and dispose of it properly. We’re offering in-home and contactless pickup options, so choose your preference when you schedule your appointment.

3) We’ll mail you a check for $50.
It’s that easy. Schedule your appointment today, and say goodbye to that costly, energy-wasting appliance.

* Source: energystar.gov


energy vampires

Slay those energy vampires 

It's spooky season, and it's time to slay those energy vampires — the electronic gadgets, appliances, and other devices that draw energy when they're plugged in but not in use. Here are four tips to keep these monsters at bay.

  • In the home office: After you sign off, your home office laptops and PCs are still on the job. Shut them – along with your printers, scanners, and other equipment – down and save.
  • In the family room: Popular gaming systems use energy, even when they’re in standby mode. Next time you put down the controller, shut the system down.
  • In the kitchen: If you’re not using an appliance, make sure it’s turned off. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, this simple act can save you between $10 and $20 per year in energy costs.
  • Everywhere you charge: Your phone, laptop and tablet are using energy whenever they’re plugged in, even if they’re fully charged. Once the meter hits 100 percent, unplug your device to save.